It's all about... the Front Door!

What is their function?
They are there to protect us from possible intruders, shelter us from the elements - wind, rain and sometimes cold temperatures. They make us feel safe and secure within our sanctuaries.
But the front door is also the preview to the rest of your home and it makes a first impression.
This door shows the world a lot about the ones that live behind it.

My favourite: So classic. So elegant. So simple.

I think this one below is really cool and such an unusual colour choice...

Some potted colour leading up the door makes your entry feel so welcoming.

But how's this door for something really quite feminine?

How very coastal... just stunning!

Do you ever wonder what's behind a front door when you walk past it?

Donna   x

Images 1-7 Here
Image 8 Here

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

cute doors! I always wonder, especially when the door is eye-catching.