Well dang - and she's only seventeen!! Locally grown here in Christchurch we are super proud of this talented lass we were excited to see her very first music video come alive earlier this month and even more excited to be able to share it with you!

Maya Payne released 'Fragile' earlier this year after recording the single with multi Grammy award winning producer, Dru Castro whilst he was on holiday in late 2013 - and in true kiwi styles, they co-produced it together from a converted garage! Love it!

Maya has recently spent time recording at 'Golden Age Studios' in Auckland - the studio where Lorde recorded her album. 

I love her music - it's moody and fresh and sultry and I could spend my 'Sunday sessions' jamming this out on constant rotation. 

This girl is going places, and we can't wait to watch her lap in up at the Grammy's herself one day!

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