Indie Love | Feeling a little bit Mexican...

I have been so caught up with work, family, life and whining about 'how much I have to do', that I haven't actually gotten a whole lot done in the last couple of weeks. I think I was/am exhausted and burnt out, hence all of the whining!

I'm on leave from the day job for a couple of weeks, so to celebrate I've sat myself down for a pep talk and decided to pull my finger out and get some work done! The first port of call is the Winter edition of Hazed which is running SERIOUSLY behind schedule as at today - as long as it is ready to be sent by Early June I'll be happy.

I'm planning on coming to the Winter Encraftment, so you'll be able to buy your copy of Hazed there! YUSS!

I was VERY disappointed in myself to log onto my blog today to see that my last post was all the way back in April - fair enough late April, but STILL!

I had a few drafts in my inbox, but nothing ready to share, which is where this post is coming to you from today. Mexican inspired everything is floating my boat at the moment, I love all things 'bright' especially 'Day of the Dead' masks! And Mexican milagro - huh? what? I hear you say... Mexican milagro are religious folk charms, that are traditionally used for healing purposes.

Anyways - check out this mexican filled post to inspire you...

I LOVE this badge inspired by the Day of the Dead, by Iyari Creates. I'll tell you a secret, I have a whole host of badges up on my desk cubicle at the 'Day Job', it helps to remind me what life is 'really about' when I'm working it hard in the world of finance!

These pieces by The Virgin Rose are a little bit more traditionally, but a whole host of fun! I'd love a collection up on my hallway wall! 

Just to inspire you on how this wall might look, check out The Queen Stitch's version...

And last but not least we get all 'American' with some inspiration from my Pinterest account, something to make and something to eat...

I'd love it if you could share with me some of your favourite links to Mexican lovelies too! Especially those made here in little ol' New Zealand, I'll be extending my 'Day of the Dead' pinterest board x

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