The Perfect Avocado Toast

As you might have all figured by now I'm a lover of the simple, quick, easy and, of course, tasty--but that is obvious. One of my favourite things to eat require less than three ingredients and one of those things is avocado toast. After years of enjoying them, I have found what works and what doesn't. The simpler, the better is the motto when it comes to this. You need good, hearty bread, a ripe avocado, sea salt and chili powder (which is optional. This combination is also excellent with a squeeze of lemon if you're not a fan of spicy) 

Personally, I like to toast my bread. Not only does it bring out the natural sweetness of the wheat, but it also makes it a bit easier to spread the avocado. Next, your avocado. Hass avocados are wonderful for this because they are perfectly creamy for spreading. Finally, sprinkle on some sea salt and/or lemon, then eat!

1 comment:

Anne @ Green Eggs and Moms said...

I so have to try this :) Thank you for sharing and the colors are amazing!