I saw Toy Story 3 the other day, so loving the Buzz Light year toy!! This is the perfect little boys room!

I know this is a child's room, but swap the cot for a queen sized bed, and I'd be truly happy in here!!!

Lovely pink-- love the mirror and the chandelier
So I have decided I like 'grown up' feeling children's spaces! Although having said that, I haven't yet taken the leap into parenting so my opinions may change!
The thing about kids rooms is that they have to change so often since you can't have a baby room for a kid. You can't have a kid room for a pre-teen ad you can't have a pre-teen room for teenager. GRRRR! Those are all really cute though!
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New follower from Social Parade. Love the designs, wish I had the nack for it! Visit my blog at http://familylife-lianne.blogspot.com/
Thanks Lianne
Yes, kids rooms are so fun! I've enjoyed working out all my designs on my kids...even though they are boys :) I was so excited when my 8 yr old wanted the base color for his room to be black...for a space room. It turned out awesome and amazingly bright :)
Just wanted to let you know that I am following. I would love it if you could follow me back!
these kids rooms are so so cute! i love the fairytale one:)
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