Wordless Wednesday...

Normally, I don't often share images of my life, but I promise to start doing a better job of this, this week I have been spending some time making sure the gifts under our Christmas Tree look stunning, what do you think of my job so far?

We've used ribbon, gold ornaments, brown paper and so far only one roll of wrapping paper. 

How is your Christmas journey coming along?


Unknown said...

Wow! That looks beautiful!!

georgia ~ gi gi said...

Hey Hazel Girl :)
Ooooo, you are way ahead of me! I haven't even started Christmas shopping and probably won't for a week or so!
You presents look gorgeous! What a great idea of putting a strip of paper on the brown, love it!
Hope you're enjoying running around in shorts, lucky girl!
Much love
gi gi

Thea said...

Absolutely stunning!!
What a great idea. :)

Life Love and Hiccups said...

They look gorgeous. You have inspired me :)

Andrea Reh said...

Not so good - I seem to be the only one in my family feeling the Christmas spirit! I'm hoping that will change when we arrive in Melbourne tomorrow and see all their pretty decorations...

Andrea x

Penny @ Wildlife Fun 4 Kids said...

Umm, can you come and wrap my Christmas gifts! They look fantatsic!

Tamara said...

gosh I need someone like you to come and wrap my gifts. Lovely

Unknown said...

Good on you for sharing! Your wrapping lookings beautiful!

Anonymous said...

You have done a very beautiful work. Your tree is nicer now.
Have a nice week;