Ready... Steady... CATCH

What do you think of this tradition?? I think I'm going to skip it!!

5 comments: said...

If you're going traditional, it can be fun... but you don't need to throw your whole bouquet... I threw a little thing that had 4-5 roses, just for the photo op and the fun of it...

Anonymous said...

I think it's kind of fun but it's your day so you get to run your wedding however you like! The bouquet toss can get chaotic if you have a bunch of women who have had a couple drinks and are desperate to find prince charming! xo

Allison of Altamonte said...

I think I am going to gift my bouquet to someone close to me that is truly in love. I'm not sure who it will be, but I would rather give it to someone in particular than just toss it!

Unknown said...

I'm not super big on the idea. My friend had a bouquet that separated so that most of the people trying to catch it ended up with a single flower with a ribbon tied to it. That was kind of fun.
Personally, I don't really think I'll do any bouquet toss.

Kellie Collis said...

You don't really need to throw it if you don't want to. You're the bride and it's your wedding. When it comes to weddings, it is usually the brides decision. Enjoy your day, Kellie xx