Bridal Shower

Brad and I celebrated our 7th year anniversary of being together on Sunday! So to make the occasion all the more joyous we held our Bridal Shower so that all of our friends could be amongst the excitement. We know traditionally the Mothers are in charge of the shower, but given that both of ours are in New Zealand,  as is the Matron of Honour we decided to host it ourselves (and by we I do mean I!) So here are some of the pictures, a friend of mine took a whole heap more photos but I have to get them from her so this is just a taster in the mean time....
Here will all are playing the games, I'd like to say a special thank you to Miss K from Love Lipstick and Pearls for all of her help with the games! You're a legend! 
I was worried about the rain (being that it is supposedly still winter here!) so we bought a dome/marquee thing to go over the table... it was perfect for the decorations! Also that is the 'Gossip Girl Never Have I Ever' game.. that was fun towards the end of the night!
Tara made the cupcakes and they were absolutely divine! I'll post more about them later in the week as they deserve their own showcase!
That is a 'Raspberry Mojito' the signature drink for all of the wedding celebrations is a 'Mojito' so we tried this interpretation for the pink theme! By the way... DELICIOUS!!!
'Cupcakes, Champagne & Cocktails' was the theme
Opening the presents, we were VERY spoilt!
At the end of the night as I was getting ready to clean up, I was genuinely surprised by how pretty everything looked, despite all the mess! So pretty and pink!
Thank you everyone for your help! Hope you all had fun! 


Kelly Frances Dunn said...

What an lovely party! Nice looking group of friends and beautiful embellishments to make it memorable. Thanks for sharing!

Mama Hen said...

What a great party and the cupcakes look delicious and beautiful! You have a new follower! Come and visit Mama's Little Chick.

Mama Hen

Come and join my blog network!
Mama's Little Nestwork

Poppies and Sunshine said...

Everything is so pretty! Those cupcakes are adorable too!

Unknown said...

So, so gorgeous, love all the pinks! So happy it was a great success! XX! said...

This looks amazing! I am a bit of a champage and cupcake addict... ;)

Thanks for your comment on watermeloncrush- they really are great heels. But a but of a mission to wear! ;)

Your blog is very cute- I love the different take you have.


Allison of Altamonte said...

Hazel! Your shower looks so perfect, I love that you are doing DIY decor. You are doing an amazing job and I am getting so much inspiration from you!

I apologize as I just got your latest comment and accidentally clicked 'reject' instead of 'publish'!! But I agree, the eye candy is the best reason to watch ANY sport!!

keep the ideas coming, I am excited to see everything you have planned!


Unknown said...


What a pretty party. I love the cupcakes. Im your newest follower from the blog hop. I hope you have a great Tuesday.

Colleen (Shibley Smiles) said...

Those look yummy and beautiful I love the theme and it turned out so pretty!


Leah said...

Wow what a great shower! I adore all the pink and those lights are great!!!
