{101 goals in 1001 days} The next stage...

Have just spent an afternoon at the 'Day Job' banging my head against the wall in boredom! Please don't tell the boss though, as it was a good chance to read through my goals that I set for myself at the beginning of the year, and re-evaluate where I am headed! 

I have reached a couple of my goals on '101 in 1001 days'....

Experiencing Snow...
#28 Have some savings
#42 Experience 'The Snow'
#53 Have 5 regular advertisers on Hazel Loves Design
#54 Start earning money from Hazel Loves Design
#58 Discover Indie designers to collaborate with
#61 Launch online magazine

#78 Write 5000 words of Fleur

However the goal posts have changed (or evolved) with a number of the others. I know that a number of my 'dream' goals will be coming to fruition in the next six months and I am beyond excited by that concept!


#5 Create a gorgeous nursery -
Despite the fact Jellybean is almost two, his nursery is almost finished!!
#60 Go camping at Lake Tekapo
#95 Style a picnic for Hazed Magazine

And so, so much more!! 

What goals have you set yourself recently? 

And what tips do you have for ensuring that these goals are met?

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